LEARN with us
Sunday Mornings often begin with a Children's sermon given by Fr. Chris. The Children then participate in Godly Play, a Montessori based Sunday School Curriculum for Pre- K through 5th grade.
Sunday School meets in the conference room at 9 AM every Sunday unless otherwise noted on the calendar. We are currently studying the book of Judges. Click here to request to join our list-serv in order to receive the weekly lesson.
Thursday Online bible Study meets at 10 AM every Thursday. We are currently studying The Collects of the Book of Common Prayer. Click here to receive Study questions and the link to join the study.
Education for Ministry (EfM) is a theological education course of the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee Tennessee. Participants commit to one year at a time to meet regularly in seminars led by a trained mentor. Completion of the course takes four years, during which participants study the Bible, church history, and theology. The class meet every Monday from September through May. There is a fee. Contact the church office for more information.