CONNECT with us

Some one once said that all though the Worship of the Episcopal Church is formal our relationships are informal. This is certainly true at Resurrection. We  enjoy spending time with old friends and new friends alike. There are several events during the year that are geared toward fellowship.

We are always thinking up new ways to come together and to strengthen the bonds of friendship. Please let us know if you have a suggestion!

A Celebration of Cultures

Our summer fundraiser celebrates the diverse cultures that are represented by the members of Resurrection. We are Scottish, Puerto Rican, German, Mexican, Romanian, and Guatemalan to name just a few. Click here for more pictures!

Church Picnic

Our Annual Church picnic is usually held in May. It begins with worship on our labyrinth and continues with food and fun on our 5 acre campus.

Chili Cook Off

Our Annual Chili Cook Off is in January. Come sample some delicious Chili Recipes!                                                                          

Friday Game Nights

Friday Game Nights bring the whole family together. Watch the calendar for the next one!